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Dr. Ralf Schirrmacher 

Dr. Ralf Schirrmacher PhD studied Chemistry/Radiochemistry in Cologne, Germany from 1990 until 1999 where he acquired his PhD at Mainz University. After a brief stint at the University of Pennsylvania working under Dr. Chin Shiu and Dr. Abass Alavi, he returned to Germany to assume a position as lead radiochemist at the Department of Nuclear Medicine at Mainz University where he stayed until 2006. In 2007 he was appointed Associate Professor at McGill University where he became a Canada Research Chair Tier II for Radiochemistry and worked as Director of Cyclotron at the world renowned Montreal Neurological Institute and the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research. After getting tenure in 2012 he continued working at the McConnell Brain Imaging Centre developing new radioligands for brain PET. In 2014 he assumed a position as an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta in the Department of Oncology where he was promoted to full professor in 2018. Dr. Schirrmacher is an adjunct member of Pharmacy and Chemistry.

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